How Do I Get Started?
Find advice on getting active based on your current activity levels
Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting. We know that. Whether it’s a more challenging walk with the dog or wiggling along to a high intensity Zumba routine, getting started can seem like the hardest bit. But you’re here. So you’ve taken the first step.
To find the right path for you, try one of the lifestyle quizzes below. They’ll help you understand where to set your goals.
Or, choose a statement below which best describes you for quick links to more information.
Remember, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise programme.
I’ve never exercised before so I’m a complete beginner
Don’t worry, you are certainly not on your own – one in four people in England do less than 30 minutes of activity per week. It’s important to remember to start off slowly and build your level of activity up over time. There are some great bits of support and advice on the following websites:
To find a suitable activity for you, check out the Activity Finder here
I used to exercise in the past and would like to get back into it
There are many ways that we can all get active and lead a healthier lifestyle. Being active is not as hard as you think it is, especially if you build activity into your daily life. For example you could walk, run or cycle to work or maybe get off the bus a couple of stops earlier or park further away from your place of work. Try taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator.
We all lead busy lives but by making some small changes we can increase our daily activity levels which will have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing.
To find more about how much exercise you should be doing click the below link:
To find a suitable activity for you, check out the Activity Finder here
I enjoy exercise but I have a pre-existing health/medical condition so I’m a little nervous about taking part.
We understand that sometimes the most daunting step is actually getting started, particularly is you have health concerns. However, it’s important to know that in the vast majority of cases doing some activity will be beneficial and can help improve the quality of your day-to-day life. It’s all about finding out what works for you and listening to your body.
Sport England have developed a resource for those managing long-term conditions. Please find it here.
To find a suitable activity for you, check out the Activity Finder here
I do some exercise but would like to be more active
Establishing a new routine can be difficult. We all lead busy lives and it’s easy to let exercise slip to the bottom of the list. By taking part in a regularly scheduled group activity, such as a class or sports club, you’re more likely to stick to your commitment and make it a healthy habit.
To find out about a class or club near you, check our Activity Finder here.