Mental Health Champions
Mental Health Champions are a network of volunteers across the Yorkshire and Humber region set up in partnership with Sport England and Mind to work with their local sports club / group to support both its members and new people to improve their mental health through sport and physical activity.
What is a Mental Health Champion?
We see a Mental Health Champion as someone who helps to raise the importance of being active to help promote positive mental health. The Champion will support people to confidently and regularly take part in activity, in a supportive environment. They will raise awareness of mental health and challenge stigma.
How can I become a Mental Health Champion?
Anyone over the age of 18 can be a Mental Health Champion. Champions don’t need personal experience of mental health problems. Those who do have lived experience of mental health problems may find it helps them to start conversations and challenge stigma. Any action that a champion takes – no matter how big or small – helps to end stigma and raise awareness.
Once you have agreement from your club/organisation, we ask that you register your interest and complete a short form telling us what you wish to achieve from this role.
We ask that all Mental Health Champions have completed some basic awareness training. If you haven’t already we recommend that you complete the MHASPA e-learning. Please indicate on the form if you would like to access this training. When you have registered your interest attach a copy of your mental health awareness certificate. Your submission will be reviewed and if everything is ok we will add you to our database. This will add you to our e-newsletter, champion forum and allow you access to a number or resources to help you in this role.
What support will I get as a Mental Health Champion?
You will receive a handbook of information on the champions scheme. This includes guidance around the role, the support available and where to signpost people who may be experiencing mental health problems.
You will receive ongoing support through regular check-ins to ask about your wellbeing and if you need any additional support.
You will be invited to join a closed Facebook group dedicated to Champions from across the region to help provide each other peer support.